Thursday, December 31, 2009

Politics is the art of covering up prejudices with tricks permitted by the constitution. Every constitution is so written to accomodate politicians to determine the way forward for the trusting masses. But do they do their job well? Not many. It is unfortunate that we have front page stories of corrupt politicians and a few days later we give them a huge mandate to rule us. Political maturity cannot be achieved in a country where the majority of voters do not know how to write their own name. Yet we allow them to write the future of our country!!!. Sheer madness. Do you think God can bless us and give us salvation? I am afraid God will not even bother to know our plight because he is convinced that we allowed it to be written by many who dont even know how to write. Stop prayers, stop blaming each other and the system and start educating as many illiterates as possible so that our future generation would lead a better life than us. Educating them is not just teaching them to write their name alone, we must teach them how to write the future of our country with their ballot power.

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