Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It takes true knowledge to understand that all that is around us is false and temporary. This knowledge paves way to accept changes in these temporary things and gives us the strength to accept such changes without affecting us much.

We tend to have personal attachments to many material things in life – like a pen, car, music system etc. When we happen to lose them – or when they become useless – there is a small pain (sometimes heavy pain) and we are not happy to let go of these things even at the end of their useful life. I am sure you may have a few old pens that don’t write, some old books that you don’t read, some old clothing that you don’t wear anymore and many such. These were your proud possessions at one point of time but now their utility is over. Still they please you by being around.

They were never intended to be permanent. Why do you still attach importance to them even after they have lost their utility? Are you not stuffing yourself with unwanted matters that eat into the physical and mental space?

The end of utility to any material possession can come out of ageing, damage beyond repair, loss due to theft or calamities etc. This is bound to happen in one of the many ways. Are you tuned to accept the “end of” these materials?

If you are not tuned to accept these changes and the eventual end of these materials how then are you going to accept the changes in other human being and animals? And how will you accept their end?

So tune yourself to accept changes in all that is around you. The tree that was pleasantly breezing your evenings till yesterday may be gone today. A new slum may crop up in front of your house. You may become old and dependent one fine day. Accept it.

The marvel of God is that he has tuned all of us to eventually accept our own end – our own death. However we have chosen to remain otherwise for all other men and materials that surround us.

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