Saturday, January 2, 2010


Very often we see a standing ovation is given to some speech or performance which has impressed the crowd to pull their weight, get up from their chairs and clap and make weird noises. The speaker or performer is overwhelmed to the extent of bowing to the crowd and saying "thank you", "i love you" and things like that. Did you ever notice that a standing ovation always begins with a few getting up from their chairs from strategic positions in the audience and giving a loud applause, mesmerizing the rest of the audience to follow suit? You can experiment this mass psychology yourself if you are lucky enough to have an audience of about one hundred or more. Just plant about 10 of your friends well spread in the crowd and tell them when exactly to get up and clap. There must be a micro second difference between each of your friends to do this work. Then see how the rest of the unknown audience behaves.
This happens in most of the mass audience where the strategic positioning of organised clappers have been done. A leader or a performer who wants to get drowned in the mass clappings and hysteric noises will have to master this art of "strategic positioning" of tailored applauders.
This shamelessly happens everywhere, be it political meetings, a rock concert or a corporate meeting. It takes a keen pair of eyes to watch this comedy unfold but it takes a very sharp and clever brain to conduct this comical drama.
A man who can get this mass applause by proper planning is revered as "charismatic", "great leader", "excellent speaker", "great performer" - they give him all sorts of titles except the one that he really deserves - "an excellent comedy dramatist"
Watch it around next time, better still capture the standing ovation in a video camera and play it back at leisure. You will learn a new technique to be a great leader or performer.!!! If not, that would help you start off as a good video camaraman.

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